What You Need to Know About Pre-Settled Status Extensions

13 Aug 2024 | Visalogic

The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) has been a vital mechanism for EU citizens living in the UK, offering them a pathway to secure their legal status post-Brexit. Recently, the Home Office announced an automatic extension of pre-settled status for many individuals, adding two years to their existing status. While this may appear to be a straightforward process, there are several nuances and potential complications that EU citizens need to be aware of.

Automatic Extension of Pre-Settled Status

If you currently hold pre-settled status under the EUSS, the Home Office has begun extending this status automatically by two years before it reaches its expiration date. This extension is designed to give pre-settled status holders more time to accumulate the five years of continuous residence required to apply for settled status, which grants more permanent rights in the UK.

Understanding Curtailment Notices

One of the critical issues to be aware of during this automatic extension process is the potential for receiving a "minded to curtail" notice from the Home Office. A curtailment notice indicates that the Home Office is considering shortening the period of your pre-settled status. This usually happens if they believe there is evidence suggesting that you no longer meet the conditions under which your pre-settled status was granted.

For instance, if the Home Office finds that you have been absent from the UK for more than the allowed period or have failed to maintain your residence under the required conditions, they may issue such a notice. The implications of receiving a curtailment notice are serious, as it could lead to the loss of your legal status in the UK.

What to Do if You Receive a Curtailment Notice

If you receive a "minded to curtail" notice, immediate action is crucial. The notice is not a final decision but a warning that the Home Office is considering taking action. You will typically have a limited period to respond and provide evidence or arguments to counter the Home Office's concerns.

Failure to respond to this notice can result in the curtailment of your pre-settled status, potentially leading to your removal from the UK. Therefore, it is vital to:

  • Respond Promptly: Time is of the essence. Make sure to meet any deadlines stated in the notice.
  • Gather Evidence: Collect and present any documentation that supports your continuous residence or other relevant conditions.
  • Seek Legal Advice: Given the complexities involved, it may be beneficial to consult with an immigration lawyer to ensure your response is as strong as possible.

Additional Scrutiny and the Need for Vigilance

While the automatic extension of pre-settled status is a positive development, it is not without potential pitfalls. The Home Office's increased scrutiny means that all pre-settled status holders should remain vigilant. Ensure that you keep thorough records of your residence in the UK and stay informed about your rights and obligations under the EUSS.


The automatic extension of pre-settled status is a welcome relief for many, but it comes with conditions and potential challenges that must not be overlooked. If you hold pre-settled status under the EUSS, it is essential to stay informed, respond promptly to any correspondence from the Home Office, and seek legal advice if necessary. By doing so, you can better protect your legal status in the UK and ensure that you are on the right path toward securing settled status.

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